Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hi there!

My name is Katie Blair. I am a Business Marketing major at the UC Denver Business School, and maintain a prior degree in Merchandise Marketing from a little school in Los Angeles, CA, called FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising). I was born and raised in Houston, TX, graduated high school in Billings, MT, lived for eighteen months in Manhattan (i.e. New York City), and spent the past five years in Los Angeles, before moving to Denver in January. I have traveled to many parts of Mexico and the Caribbean, as well as a few places in Europe. In December 2010, my family and I traveled to Costa Rica, specifically Jáco, a small beach town outside the capital, San José.  
We spent ten days engulfing ourselves in all that Costa Rica has to offer. We rode four wheelers through the mountains, took boats through the luscious jungle rivers, zip-lined for miles through the jungle canopy (see image below), jet-skied along the crystal clear coast line, fished the Pacific Ocean, and much much more. My experience in Costa Rica was incredible! Thus, why I have chosen this location to take you on a geographic tour, in hopes that maybe you can get just a glance at all that this beautiful land has to offer! As I continue to update and blog new posts about the rich geographic landscape, I will also include some interesting, fun and random facts about the enchanting paradise that is that of Costa Rica!

FACT #1: In 2009, the NEF (New Economic Foundation) sited Costa Rica as the “greenest” country in the world; and, in 2011, were awarded by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) for their development and environmental sustainability efforts. Source

My exciting 'zip-trip' through the canopy of the Costa Rican Jungle.